We have been quite busy for the last couple of weeks!
By the end of March, we concluded the work on three deliverables:
D3.2: Sensor characteristics
A Monte Carlo (MC) simulation framework for modelling the effect of real instruments’ characteristics on the detection of light that has propagated through tissues has been developed. The report outlines the effect of the sensor’s characteristics on the detected Time-Domain Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (TD-NIRS) and Time-Domain Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy (TD-DCS) signals, generated from MC simulations of the light propagation through the head.
D4.1: Exploratory workstation
The first laboratory system (the so-called “exploratory workstation”) is the outcome of task T4.1 “Exploratory pilot workstation”. The report details the building of the exploratory workstation and presents some proof-of-principle measurements of both Time-Domain Near Infrared Spectroscopy (TD-NIRS) and Time-Domain Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy (TD-DCS). The realized workstation will be used in the next months to enable the explorative studies on Time-Domain Speckle Contrast Optical Spectroscopy (TD-SCOS) coupled with Time-Domain Near Infrared Spectroscopy (TD-NIRS) both on phantom and in-vivo foreseen by WP5.
D5.1: Laboratory benchmark
As part of the development of the multifunctional optical tomograph, we have conducted a laboratory benchmark testing of the exploratory workstation. In particular, this system is capable of TD-NIRS, TD-DCS, and TD-SCOS measurements. In order to demonstrate the system’s ability to operate in all three modalities, several experiments in liquid phantoms were performed.
You can find all our public deliverables here: https://fastmot.eu/deliverables/